How to Reduce Gray and Greasy Hair

Unlike hair fall, appearance of gray strands is not always related to some disorders. However, aging is only one of possible reasons contributing to hair decrease. In case you want to know how to reduce white hair, take into account that you will not stop the process but can certainly slow it down.

Hair turns gray when it is getting poor in cells responsible for producing color pigment. Lifestyle, genetics, health problems, stress and improper nutrition may trigger this basically natural process and make the person look much older that they actually are.

Each of us reaches our genetically predetermined aging time at some point. That’s why someone grows older earlier than others. Still, definite factors can make hair turn gray earlier or much faster.

  1. Bad habits. Smoking is singled out a number one reason of aging of the whole body. It not only harms lungs and leads to troubles, but also enhances hair whiting prematurely.
  2. Alcohol&Caffeine. Alongside with junk food, coffee and alcohol drinks cause poor conditions of skin and hair. No wonder that taking coffee instead of normal vitamin-rich breakfast leads to appearance of gray hair tresses.
  3. Stress is considered one more reason of why hair turns white. Prolonged periods of anxiety, tension and worries may result in mass or partial hair aging. So, asking how to reduce gray hair, remember to follow the next rule: sleep properly and avoid stressful situations as far as it is possible.
  4. B-group vitamin deficiency. This vitamin group embraces B2, B6 and B12 vitamins which participate in all metabolic processes. Diet low in vitamin B (a lack of protein contained in whole grain bread, chicken, cereals, eggs, soy, etc.) and bad stomach absorption of it also lead to this problem.

Although some Chinese and Indian practitioners promote different remedies to reduce white hair (such as He Shou Wu), there are no scientific proofs of their practical use. At the same time, the problem of gray hair may be coupled with other troubles connected with excessive production of oil glands or unruly hair.

Greasy hair is the result of excessive sebum production (a waxy substance that helps keep hair waterproof and soft). Basically, there are two types of oily hair:

  1. Greasy hair strands from roots to ends and oily scalp
  2. Dry hair strands from roots to ends and greasy scalp

How to Reduce Greasy Hair

How to Reduce Gray and Greasy Hair

In most cases the problem of oily hair is linked to genetic predisposition, improper application of hair care goods or bad/irregular cleaning. While genetic precondition can’t be prevented, consistent hair cleansing on a regular basis washes away dirt, toxins and other stuff that forms oily strands.

Think about the number of times you wash your hair. If hair turns oily every day, try to clean it not that often. For instance, reduce washing to once in two/three days. By doing it, you slow down the production of natural oil by your body. Also, stop using dehydrating shampoos that dry out the scalp.

One more great way that corresponds with the topic ‘how to reduce oily hair’ deals with use of hair conditioner. Depending on the greasy hair type you have, put either less conditioning substance to your scalp or to hair tips.

Luckily, people with wavy hair experience less trouble with too greasy hair, as curls restrain oil spreading. But they have another point of concern: how to reduce frizzy hair. Stylists recommend following such simple rules:

  1. Use leave-in conditioners
  2. Cut down the number of hair washings
  3. Apply diffuser when drying hair
  4. Style the curls of your hair with your fingers
  5. Eat balanced food to provide your body with all sufficient nutrients.